Tuesday, June 12, 2018

SoulSoundMagic Bluetooth Earpiece ~ Product Review

Soulsoundmagic Bluetooth is a very tiny earpiece that packs a punch. This small Bluetooth took about an hour and a half to two hours to charge. I charged it about three days ago and it still has juice. According to Amazon it will have about 160 hours of standby time, which is really decent.

What I like most is the button. You may ask why? There is only one to start the Bluetooth and turn it off. Soulsoundmagic is keeping it simple and I love it. There is a small light indicator that shows the user when the unit is charging, when the unit is fully charged, as well as when it is connected to a Bluetooth enabled device.

The test of times was trying both yoga and Zumba with the earbud in my ear. This small device made it through and entire one-hour yoga class and did not fall out. I could clearly hear the soothing music that I was playing and it was crystal clear. Now while I did not play music or videos during Zumba, this test was just only to determine if the unit would fall out. And guess what it didn’t, it stayed securely in my ear not budging. Now while I do not believe this unit should be routinely put the sweat test, it did hold up to a one and half our intense Zumba class and is still functioning appropriately.

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Soulsoundmagic-Bluetooth-Earphone-Invisible-Headphone/dp/B075VXMZHY/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1527271943&sr=8-3&keywords=smallest+bluetooth&dpID=41JYehz11CL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

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