Monday, March 22, 2010

Take a deep breath and relax

Ladies take a deep breath and relax. Pause for a second, close your eyes, and just clear your mind. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe, slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Sometimes ladies we have to take a minute and gather ourselves. Forget momentarily about the troubles that maybe going on in our lives and regroup. Meditation, prayer, whatever you prefer to do that helps you get back to your happy place.

Just wanted to give you a second or two of serenity.

Peace and love ladies : -)

Monday, March 15, 2010

My Body~My Temple

My Body~My Temple is a blog for women of every race, color and age.

Every woman should care for themselves as much as they care for their family and friends. If we treat our bodies as our temple, we will live healthier more fulfilled lives. This blog will give you suggestions on how to take care of yourself and be the best healthy woman you can be both physically and mentally.

Peace and Love,
